“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
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Monday, June 14, 2010

No emo, please~

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang...

Last week was my most super-duper-horrible-terrible-miserable week in this year. I lost my mind, I felt moody for the whole week, I got pain in my back, my knee, my legs, and it was like my world turn upside down. In simple word- IT WAS PATHETIC! Thus, i try to control the emotions during my weekend and Alhamdulillah, I managed to hold it back without hurt anybody. Thee hee.

Ok, macam mengada-ngada pulak saya cakap bahasa Inggeris tiba-tiba ni. Mungkin sebab demam cawan dunia (world cup) telah melanda kot. Padahal saya tak tengok langsung pun bola. Hahaaa.

Macam saya cakap, memang minggu lepas adalah minggu paling teruk bagi saya. Sebab tu saya emo tak tentu pasal. Mungkin sebab saya mengalami PMS. It such an idiot, u know. Tapi saya dah rasa stabil sekarang. Berjaya juga la saya sibukkan diri pada Sabtu dan Ahad lepas. Saya tengok movie banyak-banyak, baca buku, nyanyi-nyanyi, buat lirik with my not-so-little-brothers. (^_^) Bila saya stabil, barulah saya dapat berfikir dengan baik.

Pernah dengar pepatah yang cakap "The fastest way to lose love is to hold too tight, the best way to keep love is to give it wings"? Dulu-dulu saya rasa pepatah tu macam bodoh because why you should let your love to be free? I mean, why you must suffer while your other behalf enjoy the freedom, isn't it? But, only now I understand... Really understand... When you love someone, u should let him choose the way he wants to live, himself. It is not the matter you feel suffer or blissful, but... It is hard for me to explain. Bila kamu rasa apa yang saya rasa sekarang, you will know what I mean. Bila dia bahagia, kita akan turut rasa bahagia walaupun sometimes you may feel suffocation. But it's okay. Mana la saya boleh bagitau what he should do and what he shouldn't. I mean, he got his own life, right? Saya pun bukannya apa pun. Saya cuma buah hati dia yang belum tau pun status pada masa depan.

Owh, please. Jangan ingat saya merajuk. Saya ok je. Walaupun nampak macam apa yang saya cakap ni still emo, tapi saya dah ok sebenarnya. Betul la kan apa yang saya cakap? : ) 

Kepada Pak Teh, anggap je apa yang saya cakap minggu lepas bukan dari diri saya. Biasa la, orang tengah PMS memang suka merepek. (^_^) Walau apa pun terjadi, semangat kamu tetap bersama saya, walaupun selama pasti. Guminavo zou diau~ : )

Nota kaki: Semalam nak makan nasi lemak, tapi dah habis pulak. Ni yang nak emo balik ni. Hahaa :D


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